Dec 27, 2008

A Touch of Winter Break.

I've been home for just over a week now, and I have a feeling the last couple of days I'm home are going to fly by incredibly fast. They always do. It has snowed just over a foot of snow since I've been home which has led to some incredible skiing on the Birkie Trail. Christmas afternoon I went for a long classic ski with my old coach and honestly I don't think I have ever seen such perfect tracks in my life. The trail was hard and fast, the kind of conditions that make it hard to slow down. Right off the bat when I came back from Bozeman the temperature was hovering just below zero with overnight wind chills in the -25F to -40F range. Far too cold for my taste. I've decided it should be 26F and lightly snowing all the time, with clear blue skis and never the threat of freezing rain, or what we got yesterday...freezing drizzle. Nasty stuff.
Right now it's 35F, and pretty darn dreary. Hopefully the temperature will drop a little so that skiing today on the Brule trails won't be miserable, of course with the company I'm in it's hard to find skiing miserable but these warm temperatures are kind of pushing it. I've got my fingers crossed that the weather will take a turn for more winter like conditions later on today.

Merry Christmas

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