Aug 25, 2006

It is only 15 degrees, wait...what?

Right now life is very interesting, I need a better word, it's just that everything right now is so new. The house is new, the family is new, the country is new, the words are new, the cars are new, the food is new, the smells are new, the view is new, this life is so new. (oh and 15 degrees...It was Celsius...Yeah)
Sometimes it is hard to handle everything being new, so now I just sit back and watch, I've been doing a lot of watching you could say. I just got back from my first Rotary meeting here, my host mom is the president of the Cesis club, where once again I watched. Sure I pick up on a few words, a few sounds, a few eye brow raises, but for the most part I am so lost.
I'm sure the rotary meeting would of sounded just like the ones I've gone to back home...If it were in English...
I don't mind going to Rotary meetings, because Rotary meetings mean food, good food, (they are always held as lunches) and today very good desert as well. But the thing was is the they put the deserts in front of us, they were these great big fluffs of white with a hint of cinnamon sitting in some sauce, but instead of digging in the governor had to speak. I think it might of been easier to keep my mind off the dessert the whole second half of the meeting, but I only caught the words good afternoon, four, thank you, and good. (but I could tell everyone else would of rather been eating the dessert instead too)
Life is slow in Cesis during the summer, but people walk fast. Last night there was a street jam down by one of the parks, with loud hip-hop music, I did enjoy watch a few kids breakdance though, and today they are doing something with, "The towns strongest man"...or something like that, I will go see after I write this.
The food is good, I'd avoid the homemade cottage cheese type stuff if I were you is a little bit, well sour. And the milk is strange it kind of tastes like onions so instead I will drink my tea and water ( and some milk) but I can stick to cheese and yogurt for now, or until my bones turn to dust.

I got to lift weights today at the sports complex, which I was very happy about, and I'll meet with the head of the sports school this coming up Wednesday, but it looks like I might have a ski team, and maybe some track...But I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out here.
I met with the school as well, and here I will be in the "10th grade" (they only have three years of high school, and kids start school a year late), so all the kids in my class are my age, older and younger. I'm just ahead here. These are the classes I'll be taking...
Latvian Lit.
2nd lang. (russian or german)
computer class
more Math
History of Art

yeah all year, they might move me with the older kids later in the year when my latvian gets better.
Oh, and I thought I had a little sister, she is not so little in age...she turns 16 in one week, so only 4 months younger than me...yeah not so little I guess.
I leave tomorrow for my family's country home, to make honey, they have bee boxes.
I hope to have pictures up next week.

Until then...
I miss you all very much

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